
Not Towers.

Plant yourself and your ministry

in good soil.

Bring your community together

The Bible teaches that a good community is one where love, justice, humility, truth, and the fruit of the Spirit abound, whereas a bad community is characterized by sin, injustice, discord, pride, and falsehood. The principles outlined in Scripture provide a foundation for building and nurturing communities that reflect God's values and promote flourishing among its members.

Let us return back to the garden, not build another Tower of Babel.

invite friends

Your community joins by link, email, text, or even in-app notifications

put down roots

Go deep with each other in prayer, chat, and courses.

Branch out

stay connected to the entire church body via in-person events and community groups

a platform designed to build community

Join communities, Chat, discover events, find friends, and more.

is your church community on the